This is the page dedicated to another great anime, Yu-gi-oh. the story of yu- gi-oh is about one boy who solved
the puzzle and his life changed forever it begin with the pharo the pharo is a spirit that makes yugi changed when yugi is
in a duel befor yugi was number one he had to beat kaiba kaiba is cool and so the duel began and yugi one but there was mroe
to come duelits kingdom began yugi had to beat pegus the man who took yugis grampas soul when yugi made it to the
top hem and pegus dueld but it was a shadow duelbut yugi one
but the story does not stop there yugi then had to beat the new tournament but befor the fanlis yugi had
to beat the big 5 but in the end yugi one but then he had to beat marrick when the duel began all seemd lost but yugi one
it was the most hards duel he had in his life he will never ever forget that day
now to talk about joey joey is a relly cool guy he looks weak but get hem made and he will beat you in a dule and i have
seen hem duel wow he is good at duel and i wood not like to be the guy or gril that fights joey in a dule did i tell you that
yugi and joey are friends will now i did and now you know about joey
Kaiba, How do describe a self centered lunatic who revolves around deauling? Hmmmm well for starters he is technicly
the "second" best duelest in the game, he's surprsingly protevtive of little Mokeky and there are times where he slips and
he's actually "nice" in his own sick little way. This Character has 2 functions in the show, he's the main rival on Yu-gi's
part and is a good sourse for Joey when our favorite blonde needs to blow off some steam. I think Kaiba does his role in the
show very well sometimes a little TO well and I whole hearitly give him two thumbs up. WAY TO GO KAIBA!!
Yugioh? Hmmmmmmm I love it to bits so deffianately a 10 outta ten!!