The ever hyper active pretty lady Sessh and Kag give a heart fealt pat on the back to Michelle Summers also
known as Drea-Chan!!!
The crazy gun fanatic who wouldn't be caught dead watching a chick flick no matter how much you payed him!! (Heh raise
your price to 50 you might get a deal then..) Sessh and Kag give a hearty BOOO err I mean welcome to TALRAGA!! Also known
as John the freak.
Who can forget the ever so innocent and kind (*bullcrapbullcrap*) little angelic child whose nice to everyone...(*bullcrapbullcrap*)
She's known for her drawing skills and her warm heart!! (*coughicecoldcough*) Sessh and Kag give a holler to the one and only,
Angel a.k.a Samma-Chan!!!
Who can forget the ever so stunning hot as ever, best abbs in the world...
Probably one of my bestest bestest bestest buddies!! Sesshy and Kag err well just Kag this time falls over in drool and
drowns in fantasies thinking about...GIZZY!! Or Giz for short...
Next up on our list we've got the beautiful fellow Kikyo hater Sessh and Kag give a warm HOWDY!! out to Teen Age
Dirt Bag / Amby-Chan
Going down a more morbid path Sessh and Kag would like to humbly acknowledge the existance of there gothy friend (you
know the type where you yell WTF?? the second you meet them..) everyone likes to call...
Elven Crawler or just plain old Jess.
Nest is the always running on caffene care free spirit and klumsy as hell accident prone good friend to me
Luna, Sessh and Kag point an accusing finger (it's always her fault..) to VEIRA!!! Or Roby-chan for those with a better
attention spam...Those people exsist???
Who can forget the marvelous Seraphim? She's pretty she's spunky she's drinking pepsi, the strangest and best friend
you will ever have.....IT'S A GABY!!
Who can forget Inu? ......................................*crickets* All right fine.....It's just Inu!! (zack...)